Alison Mitchell



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Domain Checker

WHOIS query, DNS lookup, regex patterns to identify and categorise domains.

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Domain name word cloud

Project description

The challenge originated in an audit project to identify whether a number of website domains owned by an organisation were still required. A list of these domains existed although in some cases it was unclear which area of the business they "belonged" to.

The solution was twofold:

1. To develop a application using Python to read in a list of domains contained in a csv file, iterate for each domain to acquire WHOIS data and perform a DNS lookup to obtain IP address, and output to a spreadsheet all the information about the domain (IP address, Registrar, Expiration date and whether the WHOIS query found the domain or failed due to timeouts).

2. To use regular expressions to identify patterns in domain names relating to different areas of the business, bin the data into categories, and output as columns in a spreadsheet. This would help determine which ones to keep because they were currently in use, may be used in the future, or were required for purposes of intellectual property and brand protection.

Data source

Test dataset created for the purpose of testing the algorithm.



Extract Document Metadata

Identify incomplete metadata fields in web-hosted documents.

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PDF description metadata

Project description

The challenge was to identify which of several hundred documents on a public website had incomplete metadata fields.

The solution was to automate the process by developing an application in Python to read in the dataset as a csv, iterate over website URLs of PDF and Excel documents, open the documents, extract metadata and output information to a spreadsheet to be able to identify missing fields.

Populating document fields such as Author, Title (equivalent to a web page title tag) and Subject (equivalent to a web page meta description) assists with Search Engine Optimisation by providing metadata for search engines to crawl and create listings for documents, and to determine their search rankings.

Data source

Test dataset created for the purpose of testing the algorithm.



Django Blog App

CRUD, save drafts, user auth, commenting.

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Django Blog App

Project description

A simple blogging website application which includes:

Data source

Django Girls Tutorial



Django Poll App

View, vote, add, change, delete polls.

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Django Poll App

Project description

A basic poll application consisting of two parts:

Data source

Official Tutorial for building a Django application.



Django Contact App

Create, edit, view and delete contacts.

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Django Contact App

Project description

A simple CRUD application where you can create contacts, edit, view and delete them.

Data source

Tutorial by Siddharth Shringi from a blog post on

